
The goal of S3A is to deliver a step-change in the quality of audio consumed by the general public. We produced the audio content to create their first 3D audio drama, demonstrated at the BBC Sound Now and Next conference in May 2015.

The goal of S3A is to deliver a step-change in the quality of audio consumed by the general public. We produced the audio content to create their first 3D audio drama, demonstrated at the BBC Sound Now and Next conference in May 2015.

The goal of S3A is to deliver a step-change in the quality of audio consumed by the general public. We produced the audio content to create their first 3D audio drama, demonstrated at the BBC Sound Now and Next conference in May 2015.

Production Details

Cast: Graeme Hawley, Erin Shanagher, Olwen May, and Renny Krupinski
Producer: Eloise Whitmore
Client: BBC R&D / S3A