BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Drama from award winning writer, Dan Rebellato. A unique ghost story from a leading radio dramatist, harnessing the supernatural to explore human relationships and historical connections, spanning 19th to 21st centuries. On one level, a sequence of simple ghost stories; on another, a poignant and compelling look at death, love and the edges between our lives. More here
BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Drama from award winning writer, Dan Rebellato. A unique ghost story from a leading radio dramatist, harnessing the supernatural to explore human relationships and historical connections, spanning 19th to 21st centuries. On one level, a sequence of simple ghost stories; on another, a poignant and compelling look at death, love and the edges between our lives. More here
BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Drama from award winning writer, Dan Rebellato. A unique ghost story from a leading radio dramatist, harnessing the supernatural to explore human relationships and historical connections, spanning 19th to 21st centuries. On one level, a sequence of simple ghost stories; on another, a poignant and compelling look at death, love and the edges between our lives. More here