Nearly Light


New drama about two of the 10% of children struggling to return to ‘normality’, post-pandemic. Inspired by real stories. More here.

New drama about two of the 10% of children struggling to return to ‘normality’, post-pandemic. Inspired by real stories. More here.

New drama about two of the 10% of children struggling to return to ‘normality’, post-pandemic. Inspired by real stories. More here.

Production Details

Writer: Kit Withington
Cast: Addison Aston, Ché Bradley, Roisin Rae, Brooks Livermore, Marloe Mead, and Christine Bottomley
Sound Design: Steve Brooke
Director: Jelena Budimir
Producer: Polly Thomas
Tx: 2:15pm 30/05/2024
Client: BBC Radio 4