

The BBC's groundbreaking drama serialisation of all 20 novels in Zola’s epic Rougon-Macquart family saga. Working with Sparklab Productions and the composer David Tobin, the sound design for six of the episodes was created by Naked Productions.

The BBC's groundbreaking drama serialisation of all 20 novels in Zola’s epic Rougon-Macquart family saga. Working with Sparklab Productions and the composer David Tobin, the sound design for six of the episodes was created by Naked Productions.

The BBC's groundbreaking drama serialisation of all 20 novels in Zola’s epic Rougon-Macquart family saga. Working with Sparklab Productions and the composer David Tobin, the sound design for six of the episodes was created by Naked Productions.

Production Details

Music: David Tobin
Sound Design: Eloise Whitmore
Producer: Polly Thomas
Tx: 12:00am 05/12/2015
Client: Sparklab Productions for BBC Radio 4